In December 2023, the SMF hosted the first-ever Sanjay Mortimer RepRap Festival (SMRRF) here in Oxford. We can now honestly say that SMRRF2023 was the UK's hottest 3D printing event of the year with companies and visitors from all over the world in attendance.
The event was for everyone - those who had never experienced 3D printing before had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of 3D printing, and for the regular attendee of RepRap festivals, they got the opportunity to hang out in a safe space with like-minded people, whilst getting a first glimpse of their favorite 3D printing company's latest tech & discover hobbyists' game-changing inventions that are going on to set new industry standards.
Click on the videos below to watch the speakers from Day 1 and Day 2 or to see our lovely Content Creator's highlights.
A huge thank you to all our content creators - spreading awareness of the SMF is a huge part of our mission and we couldn't do it without your support.
What happened?
Click on the schedule to see the incredible speakers and events that happened over the weekend.

SMRRF Merch!!
If you would like any SMF or SMRRF merchandise, please click below.
From limited edition filament to SMRRF t-shirts and SMF cozy beanies. Every penny helps.
Thank you for your support